
What Is The Order Of Sword Art Online Anime

When Sword Fine art Online really began, it began equally a serial of light novels, which is a literary genre specific for Japan. At present, almost 2 decades later the debut of the start light novel, Sword Art Online is a global franchise that includes an anime serial, manga, and video games. The franchise has grown so much that it has striking all major markets, but non with equal success. The topic of this commodity are going to be the video games that incorporate the Sword Art Online franchise.

This commodity is going to exist dealing with the playing guild of the Sword Art Online video games. As y'all'll meet for yourselves, the whole structure is not overly unproblematic, merely we'll be simplifying information technology for yous so that you can enjoy the games in the proper narrative order, and so that you know how they actually chronicle to the balance of the franchise.

How many Sword Art Online games are there?

Every bit of November 2021, there is a full of ix Sword Fine art Online video games that have officially been released nether the make in Japan (and the residue of the world). At present, among these, three are mobile games that don't actually fit in anywhere plot-wise and we won't be talking about them in the paragraphs below. The remaining games are the primary console games, which are going to be the focus of this article, sans the spin-off game, Accel Globe vs. Sword Art Online: Millennium Twilight, which is non-catechism.

What is the playing society of the Sword Art Online games?

As we accept said, we're going to exist dealing with the main console games, which excludes the three mobile games that exist, and which are Sword Fine art Online: Code Register (2014), Sword Art Online: Integral Cistron (2017), and Sword Art Online Alicization: Rising Steel (2020). Also, the console game Accel Earth vs. Sword Art Online: Millennium Twilight won't be on the list equally it is a not-canon game. As for the remaining games, the proper playing order should be:

  • Sword Art Online: Infinity Moment (2013)
  • Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment (2014)
  • Sword Art Online: Lost Song (2016)
  • Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization (2016)
  • Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet (2018)

Sword Art Online games in gild (explained)

Sword Art Online: Infinity Moment (2013)

Released: March xiv, 2013 (only in Japan)

The game follows an alternate storyline from the cease of the first story arc of the original narrative, in which a glitch causes Kirito and the other players to remain bars to Sword Art Online despite defeating Heathcliff, as well as other characters from the second and 3rd arc of the game's story, such equally Leafa (Kirito'due south adoptive sister and cousin) and Sinon, who are also sucked into the game.

Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment (2014)

Released: April 24, 2014

After defeating Heathcliff on the 75th flooring of Aincrad Castle, Kirito finds himself teleported to an unknown area of ​​the game, called the Hollow Surface area, where he meets Philia, a player fleeing a monstrous Skull Reaper, long lost there. area, which initially mistakes Kirito for an enemy.

After defeating that and other monsters along with Philia, Kirito reaches the 76th floor of Aincrad, where he finds Asuna, Silica, and Lisbeth, confirming that the Sword Art Online game is not finished, every bit it should have been after Heathcliff'south defeat. . Among the strange phenomena that occurred afterwards that effect, there is the fact that it is no longer possible to admission the underlying 75 floors.

Surprisingly, Yui returns to the game, and unexpectedly appears Leafa, Kirito's sis, who has managed to enter Sword Art Online in a desperate attempt to help her brother to get out. In that location are too ii new players with whom Kirito gets acquainted: the busty Strea, who was stalking him, and Sinon.

She was mysteriously catapulted into Sword Art Online while she was participating in another virtual reality program. With the support of his new and old acquaintances, including Klein and Agil, Kirito therefore continues the conquest of the remaining floors of Aincrad, returning from fourth dimension to time to explore the Hollow Area, where Philia remains on the lookout man.

Since the get-go coming together with Philia, Kirito had noticed an orange cursor on his head, similar the one that connotes the Player Killer (called "PK") or those who have killed other players.

Sword Art Online: Lost Song (2015)

Released: March 26, 2015

Physically recovered later waking up from SAO, Kirito and his group of surviving friends decide to reunite for fun in a new VRMMO, ALfheim Online. Their attention shortly turns to a few islands, called Svart ALfheim, which have just been added to the game and which are more inspired than ever past Norse mythology.

A large society, the Shamrock, which gathers players belonging to different races, seems to have a very good run a risk of completing Svart ALfheim showtime, besides thanks to the charisma of his inspirational muse, a twelve-year-old idol nicknamed Vii, who in real life is a child prodigy known as "Dr. Rainbow", who conducts research on virtual reality, illustrating its positive aspects to the media, afterward the hype caused past the crimes of Akihiko Kayaba.

Seven is constantly besieged past fans and is frequently escorted by Sumeragi, considered the strongest ALO histrion, who will give Kirito a hard time. Kirito and his friends, strengthened by the experience gained in SAO, determine to try to consummate Svart ALfheim before Shamrock.

Battle after boxing, Kirito'due south grouping is joined by Sakuya, the leader of the Sylphs, Alicia Rue, the leader of the Cait Sith, YĆ«ki, who turns out to be, in real life, an advanced AIDS patient, and Rain "the liar", who will plow out to be Seven's older sister. The latter, however, does not know that she has a sister and she is participating in ALO with the sole and secret intent of collecting information, to requite life to a project called "Cloud Consciousness".

While this project does non threaten the safety or liberty of the players, Kirito decides to stop Seven's plan from going through, by defeating her – afterwards she defeats the last boss of Svart ALfheim – and having her and Pelting return. to exist a family. The 2 immature women are finally grateful to Kirito, who undertakes, in real life, to study the engineering of virtual reality to assist develop its enormous potential in the hope that Yui tin thus truly become a daughter of him and Asuna.

When all events seem over, a new terminal boss appears in Svart ALfheim, Lost Song, defeated by which Seven, Rain, and also Sumeragi – who are now function of Kirito'due south team together – are able to look at the future with a renewed gaze, free from old doubts.

Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization (2016)

Released: October 27, 2016

After the experiences lived in the worlds of Sword Fine art Online and Alfheim Online, Kirito and his friends participate, since the debut of the beta version, in a new VRMMORPG: Sword Art: Origin (abbreviated SA: O), which reuses sometime data of the infamous Sword Art Online.

Despite the foreign sensation of seeing places linked to even traumatic memories, starting from the City of the Beginning which was on the 1st floor, the grouping feels at-home thinking that now there are no more dangers. Furthermore, the new setting for the game is a firm territory called Ainground and no longer the flying castle of Aincrad.

Yet, upon entering the game, Kirito receives a creepy bearding message saying "I'chiliad dorsum on Aincrad"; meanwhile, he gets acquainted with a mysterious NPC, looking a piffling older than Yui, with no name or personality. Kirito's group grows fond of her and gives her a name of her, Premiere, involving her in their ain adventures.

Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet (2018)

Released: Feb 8, 2018

Fatal Bullet follows the events of Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization and is set in Gun Gale Online, a game published by Zaskar, post-obit the advent of "the seed" or the world generation program.

The story focuses on a player-customizable protagonist who will likewise be joined by a mini-campaign focused on Kirito, called "Kirito Fashion", where the Death Gun incident has been modified to adapt it to the Gameverse, thus leading to the evolution of secondary events. in which both the main characters of the Gameverse and those of Fatal Bullet will participate.

RELATED: Sword Art Online Spotter Order: The Complete Guide

The final chapter of the primary campaign too offers the opportunity to change the ending depending on the choices the histrion will make for a total of iii alternatives, the third in question tin be as definitive as the truthful ending or the approved one.

Which Sword Art Online game is the best?

Based on the reviews, but also our personal experience, the best Sword Art Online game is Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization, which was released in 2016. All of the games so far take been inferior to the light novels and the anime serial, simply Hollow Realization is the closest to the original material in terms of quality and continuity.


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